Organic Small Business SEO Tips
3 Things Your SEO Consultant Should be Doing for You

Your SEO consultant wears a lot of hats. And by this we mean he or she does a lot of different things to help promote your website and increase your rankings. An SEO expert consultant can have a range of responsibilities depending on how many people are working on your project including keyword research and management, link building, and content marketing.

Keyword Research and Management

Professional SEO consulting entails a certain level of knowledge and attention to detail, and one of the areas where this is most evident is in the keyword research and management that is done by a web SEO consultant. If you’re hoping to find such a person in an SEO consultants directory, hang up that hope, but they’re out there, never fear! If you’re lucky enough to find someone who really knows how to play the instrument that is proper keyword handling, hold on to them for as long as you can, because they are a rare gem.

Link Building

One of the keystones of organic SEO consulting is link building. What else has such an impact on not only the organic SERPs but on the impressions of your web traffic and visitors? High-quality link building done by SEO marketing consultants stands out and can really help your website climb in the rankings. The sort of spammy nonsense that was popular a few years ago is out, and this new hand-crafted back link building style is the new fashion. Only this one looks like it’s going to be sticking around for a while.

Content Marketing

Grab the nearest WordPress SEO consultant if you have a WordPress blog, and ask them to take a look at your setup. While WordPress is engineered to be SEO friendly from initial install forward, there are various scripts and plugins that can help get things moving that much more quickly. Someone who knows what they’re doing can really help you take things to the next level by optimizing elements such as the way your keywords and tags are presented to whether or not the content should include dofollow or nofollow links. There are just so many plugins and tweaks that can be applied to a standard or custom WordPress installation that can make all the difference.

A good SEO consultant should either be able to do all of this themselves or refer you to someone who can in the case of a specialty like WordPress SEO. Their goal should be to give you the most benefit for your money and do their best to live up to your expectations and your agreement with them.